It is important that coaches and athletes understand these protocols prior to attending the competition. We will not be having a coaches’ meeting on site, though we will finalize and send information to coaches one week prior to the meet and recap our protocols upon entry to the meet.
Athlete/Coaches Information
All athletes/coaches/event staff will be screened AND temperature checked upon arrival. *Please do not plan on arriving to Impact more than 15-minutes before scheduled open warm-up time.
Please direct your parents NOT to bring their child if they are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 including fever, respiratory illness (including runny nose and/or congestion), cough, aches, loss of taste or smell OR have travelled outside of New England in the last 10 days.
Athletes will be required to wear a face mask (covering nose and mouth), except when they are actively warming-up/competing on an event.
All coaches/event staff will be required to wear a face mask (covering nose and mouth).
Within the competition, we will set Squads by team. NO team will be on the same event/rotation as another team.
Athletes will bring their own chalk.
Maximum number of athletes/spectators/coaches/staff will meet NH State Guidelines for Youth Sports and Recreation.
Seating will be provided for athletes at each event to help with distancing.
Parent/Spectator Information
Only one spectator per gymnast. All spectators will be screened and temperature checked upon arrival.
Tickets will ONLY be sold in advance through our online ticket website. To purchase tickets, please click the Spectator Tickets link on the meet website page. There will be NO tickets for sale at the meet.
All common areas will be closed. No congregating in the lobby is allowed.
All spectators will be required to wear a face mask (covering nose and mouth).
Outside of the competition area, spectators will be expected to physically distance from others. This includes while being seated in the bleachers.
Live streaming will also be available for those who cannot attend (at no extra fee). A link will be sent to gym contacts no later than one week before the start of competition.
Cleaning/Disinfecting Protocols
All viewing areas will be disinfected between sessions. We use EPA approved disinfectant at an allowable ratio of 9:1 (water to Vital Oxide) as well as Lysol.
All mats and equipment (where safe) will be disinfected appropriately between each rotation (same solution as above).
Hand sanitizer will be available at every event/outside every bathroom and at entrance/exits. Athletes will use hand sanitizer before moving to their next event.
Commonly touched objects/surfaces will be sanitized at minimum every 2 hours.
Per State Guidelines:
Impact will assign a safety officer for duration of the event. This person will be responsible for monitoring social distancing & compliance with corrective actions.
Impact will follow all necessary NH Guidelines for Youth Sports & Recreation